Mindful - Service - Adventure
Blog in production!
Let me explain…
I’m Todd and I've started a blog, to share, connect, and reflect on a variety of topics all related in some way to mindfulness, service, and adventure. Blogging is certainly new to me and to be honest, I’m not exactly sure where all this is going. What I am certain about is that I have something to share from deep within, with all of you.. weekly!
Inspiration, meaning, and living our fullest, healthiest, most compassionate lives takes on many forms for each of us. For me, and I’m guessing many of you out there, a mixture of Mindfulness (awareness), Service (giving through compassion), and Adventure (leaning into fears of any kind) might do a pretty good job of touching on much of what brings meaning to our lives. I hope you will join me on this journey...
There, I've done it. I've just leaned into my first "fear" on this journey, which is reaching out and letting you know, this blog is on the way. Stay tuned!